Tuesday, March 15, 2005

The Religious Bigotry of NewsNight's Morning Papers Segment

THIS WAS A PLANNED ASSAULT AGAINST Jews and Israel by this Executive Producer on the Eve of the Dedication of the Holocaust Museum. IT'S NOT FORGIVEABLE. I could not grant that forgiveness alone ANYWAY. This was an attack against a race of people, an entire ethnicity and a religion. I am only but one to be counted. This was more than hatred of me. This was hatred of the entire race and religion of Jews.


The Terror Rant of CNN is beginning again. It started with the second news segment tonight after a weekend of terror constructed with an ending in nothing but Christian Content

First this:
By BONNIE PFISTER Associated Press Writer
The Associated Press
HAMILTON, N.J. Mar 14, 2005 — The New Jersey Post Office that handeled anthrax-laced letters reopened Monday morning, nearly 3 1/2 years after the deadly mailings that further heightened the nation's fears in the weeks after the Sept. 11 terror attacks.


The CNN Terror Rant stated with:

A report of another 'supposed' anthrax scare in the Pentagon of all places. According to the The Sun Sentinal this morning the anthrax was irradiated in the letters and was rendered harmless. I guess there wasn't a scare after all. Isn't the Pentagon where they keep that stuff anyway? You know they never did come out to say who did that to Tom Daschle in the first place.


Then that is followed up by a segment called 'Then and Now' which is a piece of history. Mind you this entire escapade is presented by a woman. The "Then and Now' segment is presented by The Most Terrified Woman in American, Paula Zahn. And who is the segment about? A woman. A survivor who lost her husband during the attack on The World Trade Tower on 9-11.

Well, how interesting in practically one breath we are presented with Weapons of Mass Destruction and 9-11.


I don't know who is worse Osama or Georgie.

Well at any rate then Aaron seals it all with a 'kiss' sending everyone reeling into Georgie's Christian Lap again (After a weekend of Christian Driven Propaganda about still another woman, Ashley Smith) with THE ATLANTA KILLER IN PRISON AGAIN. With, surprise…

The Christian Science Monitor

The San Francisco Examiner
Philadelphia Inquirer
Washington Times
Cincinnati Enquirer
Chicago Sun Times

The issue regarding the episode with Ashley Smith is indeed sad but she projected herself onto Brian Nichols in a syndrome called The Stockholm Syndrome. If you listen to her interview she actually stated at one point, "He looked like he wanted to give up." He didn't. They had gone through a bonding process over night and he was convinced he had an ally. They may have played into different realities but Brian Nichols was not interested in giving up. They bonded and he even stated to her when she asked if he would come with her that he might but in a couple of days. He was hiding out with her. Regardless her justification, she assisted him in ditching his get away car. She clearly doesn't know why she did that either. She stated a lot of confused reasons but it was that she had gone through a trauma bond with him and she didn't want to die. The Stockholm Syndrome. I don't even know according to the reports if the guns he carried at this point had ammunition because he never gave the police a difficult time and he had unloaded all the ammunition in the two guns taken from the court house into the victims there. The only ammunition and effective weapons would have come from the Customs Officer.

So, there it is.

Besides Chronic use of Christian Content all weekend there is now a clear pattern to identify the 'terrorism' of Americans especially women.

Sharon von Zwieten is not only a racist, a religious bigot, she is also a sociopath, which is probably the same thing.