Tuesday, February 1, 2005

The travesty of images continues even post election

Now that Georgie is in office and CNN has used images of soldiers to win they need to live upto the campaign promises of No Draft. In order to do that NewsNight needs to minimize it's "Honor Roll of Military Dead" to stop scaring away likely inductess.

conti2005 - 10:24 PM ET January 31, 2005
(#25753 of 40846)
The Revolt and the Revolting - http://stopwarsaveearth.blogspot.com/ - In God I Trust, Everyone Else I Monitor CNN has no respect. No reverence.

The 'Soldier' Segment to honor 'The Fallen' listed five USA soldiers with names like Castro, Poulin, Sr and Johnson.

They ranged in ages from 21 to 47. To honor 'the fallen' is a wonderful thing.


To exploit the moment for promotion of Bush's agenda is nothing but pure exploitation and a ruthlessness for an agenda that doesn't even allow journalists into Dover.

The moment of disrespect came when Aaron Brown noted "... did you notice one of the soldiers was from Freedom, Maine."

That soldier was chosen to be aired today for THAT specific moment.

It's a darn shame.

Kindly Honor them without exploiting them. If we notice the analogy then it is ours to know and feel without being 'pulled into' a 'commercial for Bush.'