Thursday, July 22, 2004

Peace not War

Just more 'stuff' written while under seige by the Neocon Bigots.

They are always wanting to 'start' or 'continue' a war regardless of it's morality.

Jack Cafferty of the Christians Neocon Network AKA CNN on ?American? Morning literally had a 'hissy' fit because he feels the national priorities are eschewed. He is referring to the article in the N Y Times:

Army to Call Up Recruits Earlier

WASHINGTON, July 21 - In what critics say is another sign of increasing stress on the military, the Army has been forced to bring more new recruits immediately into the ranks to meet recruiting goals for 2004, instead of allowing them to defer entry until the next accounting year, which starts in October.


He cites the issue as if there is a reason for an escalation in the 'ILLEGAL' war in Iraq.

These people are very limited in their ability to see a direction of peace and that rings loud and clear.

Cafferty was ranting about reductions in the Federal Budget to better fund and enlist soldiers to continue a war that was ill conceived in the first place.

At no time does he take into account that if a war is ill conceived and ill deployed there is an aire of defeat that one has to face.

CNN admits the 9-11 Commission (Which I am not necessarily willing to.) is correct in that the nation no longer is secure.


CNN continues their short-sighted view that the answer as a military front on Arabian soil.

That's incorrect.

The issue is NOT Arabia. The countries of Arabia are not a security threat to the USA. The 'terrorist networks' are the issue. A general war with Arabia is not going to accomplish anything except more destabilization of the area.

Indeed, if the USA honestly assesses itself in Iraq it would realize it is already defeated and a continued presence in Iraq only increases the resistance.

As apolitical as I would like to keep this it is prudent to point out that John Kerry wants to rebuild 'trust' in the USA with the rest of the world by offering new leadership that is NOT corrupt.

John Kerry wants to develop a trust with the countries plagued with the networks and help remove them from hiding.

That, Mr. Cafferty, is what 'peace' is all about and not war. I cannot believe how they present this material. This program is chronically inflammatory in their demeanor to attempt to have feel people threatened and willing to be 'mindless' idiots ready to jump to the 'call of war.'

The Christian Neocon Network (CNN) has chronic issues with misplaced priorities.

Last night on NewsNight during Morning Papers once again an exclusive religious focus was the Christian Science Monitor. I would like to point some really lame insight by this 'sorry' publication:

Anti-Iran sentiment hardening fast

Critics in Congress finger Iranian ties to Al Qaeda and influence in Iraq as cause for a tougher approach.

By Howard LaFranchi Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor

WASHINGTON – Iran's governing mullahs may feel uneasy at the prominent attention they are attracting in the US as the 9/11 investigations conclude.

But a bigger worry for them may well be the growing signs that the US Congress - even without the 9/11 reports of Iran's ties to Al Qaeda - is pressing for a tougher approach toward Tehran….
… In a report this week, a Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) task force co-chaired by former CIA director Robert Gates and former Carter national security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski recommended a Nixon-to-China approach to Iran.

Mr. Brzezinski notes that much of the American public and diplomatic community were skeptical of prospects for relations with China when President Nixon made his diplomatic move - yet Nixon set the stage for engagement with a global giant. "Recall that the statement of principles [the US and China initially signed on to] didn't solve any issues, but it pointed the way," he says.
And Mr. Gates notes that the presence of 140,000 US troops on Iran's western border has no doubt influenced Tehran's calculations for relations with the US.


I agree with Mr. Cafferty in that all the incumbents should be thrown out, but, I disagree the reason.

Peace not War. De-escalation for American Involvement in Iraq and not escalation. Trusting the UN rather than unilateralism.