Monday, April 26, 2004

This is interesting. This is not only about bigotry, but propaganda.

Well, dear Aaron, I don’t know where to start as the obvious dilemma of Morning Papers being blighted by christian bias had only a one evening abatement and its return is all the more offensive as designed no doubt by those that seek revenge upon the innocent including Earth.

But let’s start with some advice. Don’t complain about loss of viewership when in fact you never listen to what potential viewers might have to say. Yesterday CNN e-front page ran a poll:

Is Sen. John Kerry's Vietnam War medals controversy a relevant campaign issue?

Yes 32% 52814 votes
No 68% 109820 votes

Total: 162634 votes

Now Aaron, as I pointed out to you earlier in the evening that these are folks frequent CNN’s e-front page, not MSNBC which seems to be gaining in popularity, this is YOUR instant opinion poll and you should pay attention. There was no sense attempting to attract viewers in you e-mail to a subject they basically didn’t care about in the first place.

Your e-mail read:“Then we'll look at the event that took place 33 years ago and is turning into a political flap for John Kerry. Candy Crowley reports on the medals flap, what the Senator has said and what the Senator meant over the years when he talked about his anti-war activities.”

See, when I wrote I thought you might take my advice seriously. That’s why I write you see. I thought that’s why you write me. But, then it was the opening of the show that really astounded me. Truly, Dear. You sought to alienate all but 32% of your viewing audience. I think you’re confused:

From the transcript, Aaron:

“Now, what is it about the war in Vietnam that we can't as a country get over? For a week now we've spent nearly as much time on a war 30 years old as a war going on today.While the candidates went back and forth on this two more Americans died in Iraq. The ceasefire in Fallujah has yet to take hold. There seems no acceptable solution to the problems in Najaf and U.S. soldiers are still unable to get safe Humvees to move from place to place.You might think that would be enough to keep both campaigns in the present but nope. Now neither side, I acknowledge, wants my advice, though I offer it now just the same. Stop it. At best it is a standoff, a tie.The president and the vice president both managed to use the system to avoid service in Vietnam. John Kerry surely said some things after his service there that were too harsh and unfair to most American soldiers fighting the war.We can do this tit-for-tat until November and no one will gain a thing, so our advice let's get on to today.”

You know that sort of opening just hits people wrong, Aaron, especially when they don’t care about the subject in the first place. But, then to go on and on about the issue during two segments and not just one during the next hour after you stated, “Stop it.” isn’t really conducive to stopping it nor truly conveying the message that you mean what you say. Again, dear Aaron, much of what is transpiring on NewsNight is really unbecoming.

If you want to make a difference in the discussion, Aaron, you might want to discuss something “on subject” and current like depleted uranium and why the Iraqis probably didn’t consider the occupation of the USA and its coalition a very good idea. You might recall an article in the Seattle Post Intelligencer on the subject. But, in case you don’t here is the link:

Now, I’d like to take the time to get into more advice about bringing viewers but it is such a chore to chronically point out how biased the view is of The Christian Science Monitor and how wrong the advocacy during Morning Papers continues to be that leads to Karl Rove’s directive to accelerate the number of registered voters willing to back a christian president intent on war rather than peace, that I would be getting little else done.