Prime Minister Sharon at Auschwitz. That is a showcase of bones of dead Jews. It is such a 'horror' to look at that picture. I can't imagine being in the same room with those people with only their bones left behind. Their names are known to us now and are on display in the Holocaust Museum. It's a strong reality. When the Holocaust Museum presents the dead it is not the stark reality of this moment. I have trouble getting beyond that picture when I look at it. It's profound. Even sixty years later, those dead right their in that picture did nothing wrong except be a Jew. I never get used to that thought and when confronted with that thought due to the crass 'preferences' of the media here it is also profound. It's real. The feeling is just as real as when I look at that picture which 'takes me aback.' We all live with this 'image' of guaratees to life as long as one lives their lives right. We all live with this image of acceptance. We all live with this precious life taken for granted. UNTIL. One is faced with hatred of 'self' by 'another.' The reality changes. What prevents anyone from being bones in a showcase? It changes you. For me it's not about just Jews. It's anyone. That is probably very nieve and too generous. I don't think about it that way, I just try to live my life right and include all those in the preservation of life.