What's the matter? The women of the nation aren't 'Faux Christian Pussy' enough for you all? I mean is Paula Zahn crossing her legs in a way that is pleasing to Christian Film Makers? Maybe showing 'knee' is in too poor taste for everyone at CNN? LORD knows make-up for women at CNN is out of the question these days? So tell me, Aaron, what is so special about Christian Pussy? Huh? Did Sharon lead down a path of 'tease you but don't please you' that no one at CNN can't recooperate from? Enough for now.
The Christian Science Monitor
Minneapolis Star Tribune The Oregonian The Detroit News Philadelphia Inquirer Chicago Sun Times
Maybe that isn't enough. What is it actually about the increased DEMAND for women to change to reflect ONLY Christian Pussy values? Are the rest of us TOO much Pussy for most men? Certainly it isn't an issue of not being enough? Maybe it's that we reflect the AUTONOMOUS demand of Privacy Laws and Abortion and Contraception at ALL ages of life that is TOO MUCH for anything but a nation of Faux Christian Pussy. Is that it Aaron? Are the rest of the women of the nation and the world for that matter in free and open societies just TOO GOD DAMN adverse to promoting Bush's form of Political Domination.