That is not possible in a political environment whereby they want to end the practice of religious freedom over time setting up four year olds across the country to be 'trained up right' by Christian teachers.
Today the 'knife in the back of moral character' is a feeble attempt to explain away the severity of Global Warming.
This morning before sunset it was Chad Myers. This evening long after "Erev Rosh Hashanah" began it was Anderson 'the weather beaten' Cooper.
I'll cut to the chase. CNN is the propaganda network of Rove they have come up with a lame theory in regard to something they call "The Great Ocean Conveyor." There is no such thing. It is an embellished attempt to explain away a serious subject of which a 'stalled' ocean conveyor belt will cause lots of problems. The administration is trying to come up with an explanation for Rita and Katrina. According to their theory this is all NATURAL and predictable and will be over in 10 to 20 years. Hm. Ten to twenty years doesn't sound very percise or predictable which is a clue to the degree of lie this actually is.
This type of irresponsible reporting of science will serve to endanger more lives.
The reality is below:
The Ocean Conveyor Belt ...
.... I don't call it 'The Great Ocean Conveyor Belt' because there is only one conveyor belt of ocean water on the planet so where is the "Lessor Ocean Conveyor Belt?" The title "Great" is embellished no different that the use of "High" is used to describe sheriffs and courts. It's an exageration so people think they have mastered a 'hugely great' idea and are smarter than any scientist who opposes Intelligent Design.
This looks like a good website to start. [...]
You may imagine a conveyor belt as the belt that moves your groceries at the check out in the local supermarket. It is a continuous, never ending loop driven by an electric motor which we can turn on or off.
Something like this occurs in our oceans, moving water around the world in a continuous three-dimensional current. Understanding the cause of this motion and the specific route is important. These currents disperse energy around our planet and are a huge influence on the world’s climate and, therefore, on the economies of nations.
Recent findings have suggested that, just like in the supermarket, this conveyor belt can be switched on and off by certain events. Where is the switch? Somewhere in the North Atlantic and the Norwegian Sea. The concern we have at the moment, while the conveyor belt works, is that some of man’s activities may be a factor in switching the belt off. This could lead to the world experiencing a mini ice-age.
THIS DISCUSSION IS SADLY UNNECESSARY and a distraction to the point that Bush neglected his responsiblity as president to the people of New Orleans.
AS A MATTER OF FACT to embark on THIS discussion is to say the scienetists Bush DOES listen to has 'this thing' nailed down and the outcome to the 2005 season was no mystery and the physics of KATRINA completely predictable.
THEREFORE, for those that CHOOSE to make this '20 year cycle' their bastion of hope you have just nailed Bush to the Cross of predictability with compounds his neglect one thousand fold.
The Ocean Conveyor Belt is the way salt water circulates in the oceans.
We know there have been heating and cooling cycles before on Earth but we also know that Earth is chronically cooling internally but never to the point where the mantle will be solid rock.
The continents float around on the mantle and therefore that is why there is continental drift.
Now, the ocean conveyor belt in geologic time is directed by the movement of the continents. In geologic time the ocean conveyor belt is not fixed. It moves. BUT, it is not geologic time we are concerned with because the 'phenomena' of Human Induced Global Warming began in the late 1800s with the onset of The Industrial Revoltion.
The chronic emission of carbon dioxide was not coming in NATURAL CYCLES anymore. As of the Industrial Revolution the emissions of carbon dioxide from Earth was being PRODUCED by burning of old dinosaur bones compressed over time into oil. The carbon that was once living carbon was now being turned into gas rather than decaying matter returning to a very different cycle of the planet in burying it deep and out of causing trouble with the biotic Earth. The new 'gas' in a short span of time would prove to cause a complete imbalance to Earth.
With growing levels of carbon dioxide in the troposphere the infrared WAVE LENGTH off Earth was not radiating to space in the amounts it needed to but instead was heating the surface of the planet. Keeping in mind the fact the solar radiation received by Earth has changed little in the overall picture.
The first place to heat was the oceans. The oceans are always cooler than land. It's the nature of water, vapor and solid on a planet humans call Earth that actually has an ice nature.
The mechanism for cooling Earth so that biota with internal body temperaturs of 98.6 could live without demise comes from the circulation of the oceans in a thermohaline cycle.
I'd like to expand on this paragraph:
"Recent findings have suggested that, just like in the supermarket, this conveyor belt can be switched on and off by certain events. Where is the switch? Somewhere in the North Atlantic and the Norwegian Sea. The concern we have at the moment, while the conveyor belt works, is that some of man’s activities may be a factor in switching the belt off. This could lead to the world experiencing a mini ice-age."
This is the '?cycle?' the current propaganda wants to pedal in a different fashion in that somehow there is a natural component to it that will return the Earth to a "Mini-Ice" age as was experienced in 'recent geologic time.' That is INACCURATE but highly exploitable.
The 'cycle' isn't really a cycle so much as an occurrence that happens when Earth's troposphere is too hot. The heat is distributed around the planet to all the icefields and ice poles and the oceans are cooled as they are the place where heat settles first.
The 'cycle' is actually spontaneous to the heat of the planet. Geophysics. Realizing Earth is a dynamic sphere on chronic rotation and rotation around a 'sun' humans call Sol in a shrinking orbit the ACTUAL dynamics are never the same so to say this is a cycle is grossly incorrect.
The idea that this 'cycle' will bring on a STOPPING of the thermohaline circulation which IS the conveyor belt referred to in the propaganda by CNN is an unknown. Certainly, as the oceans dilute the ocean circulation will change. HOWEVER. To say there will be another ice age because of it is "W"rong because the PRODUCTION of the carbon dioxide is NOT NATURAL.
At all.
Therefore, where humans produce large amounts of carbon dioxide beyond what the 'natural' world has 'handled' before means that the ICE will never form because the carbon dioxide will continue to heat the troposphere without a falling off of it until the SOURCE stops.
This is another very 'pickable' concern IF one is to say that Bush's Hurricane Center scientists are correct. What in essence they are saying is that humans have to 'wait out' a cycle that will end in an ice age. They are saying this cycle will last ONLY twenty years. They make no predictions as to the extremes of heat Earth will sustain and whether or not at the end of this cycle there will be any living organisms as we know it on Earth.
Now you can find comfort in that if you think you can live in temperatures exceeding that of 'bearable' to humans HOWEVER no one is saying that will be possible.
Besides that IF THERE IS AN ICE AGE, who dies on the new ice formed at the completion of the Ice Age? Where is the economy? And what will the world look like when at the end of twenty years all of a sudden the heating resolves after using up all it's ice reserves?
It's a hideous theory.
It is barbaric and self serving to oil companies and car companies. It is a distraction to the truth and provides no guarantees.
I go beyond that to realize the 'heating' will not end and even after this '?cycle?' '?ends?' and there are no more ice fields or ice poles; Earth will become uninhabitable. The 'heating' due to Human Induced Global Warming will not stop to allow the cooling by the Global Vortex Dynamics UNTIL the PRODUCTION of carbon dioxide emissions stops. That PRODUCTION of the carbon dioxide gas will stop when the human population drops due to Climate Change deaths and there is less consumer abuse. THAT reality may very well mean there will be no human life left on Earth when the dynamics of Global Warming now producing these super storms ends. The only way this Climate Change may end is for humans to die off.
One other thing.
"Somewhere in the North Atlantic and the Norwegian Sea."
The computer site I noted made mention that the 'Ocean Conveyor Belt' is determined by the dynamics of The North Atlantic and Norwegian Sea.
That is correct.
The reason that is correct is that the 'melting point' of the ocean's coolness occurs primarily at the Arctic Ocean. Therefore, as the ice cap melts the 'density' of the fresh water off the ice pole will fall first in the northern seas. The northern seas will have the highest degree of dilution first and be the first place to shut down due to that dilution. That in turn will turn off the global conveyor belt in reaction to the northern waters dilution. Earth may very well end up with stagnant waters globally that do not serve ANY purpose to cooling the troposphere where human live.
The '? cycle ?' referred to by Bush's Propaganda Nut Cases at the National Hurricane Center will only continue until all the ice melts.
The vortices are a reaction by Earth's spheres and especially the troposphere to water and it's current changing state from solid to gas.
So to that extent it is a cycle but at the rate of ice demise globally it sure as heck won't take twenty years.
It won't even take ten.
Stop emitting carbon dioxide NOW !
I RELAYED TO 'ANDY' Cooper that he might consider using First World Science rather than Third World Moronity as it might destroy reputations. I meant his own.
I have been a target of religious bigotry. This is a diary.
Tuesday, October 4, 2005
October 4, 2005. 0330 Z. Currently there is no such thing as 'Prevailing Winds' or 'Trade Winds' as they are dominated by vortices. Within 24 hours there is every possibility no one will be happy with what this Global Warming dynamics will produce.
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