August 9, 2005. This is the kind of propaganda engaged in by the Religious Right that is intended to lead to illegal invaions of other nations. THIS IS DANGEROUS. It was stated by Russia who oversees the Iranian project that they would provide the reactor cores to the facility and then remove them after they were deleted so there was no doubt Iran did not exercise nuclear weapon proliferation. We have no way of knowing ANY reporting by "The Washington Times" is accurate. We need to adhere to the reports of IAEA for accuracy because we don't know if Iran is even accurate in their 'muscle flexing.'The IAEA is the only authority to respect.But, yet NewsNight will propagate more and more of the propaganda that enhances Bush's "Culture of Fear."Caption :: Two technicians adjust their protective wear, alongside a box containig uranium ore concentrate, known as yellowcake, at the Uranium Conversion Facility of Iran, just outside the city of Isfahan, 410 kilometers, 255 miles south of the capital Tehran, Monday, Aug. 8, 2005. Iran resumed uranium conversion activities at the facility Monday. (AP Photo/Mehdi Ghasemi, ISNA)
By Seth RosenTHE WASHINGTON TIMESAugust 9, 2005 Iran resumed uranium-conversion activities at its Isfahan nuclear facility yesterday, breaching an agreement with European countries in an action that Western nations have said could lead them to seek U.N. sanctions against Tehran. The United States will consult with its European allies before deciding whether to refer Iran to the United Nations Security Council, State Department spokesman Adam Ereli said in Washington.August 15, 2005
Tests appear to clear Iran over nuke traces
15.08.05 1.00pm
VIENNA - Tests by the UN nuclear watchdog appear to confirm that traces of weapons-grade uranium found in Iran came from abroad, reinforcing Tehran's assertion it does not seek atomic weapons, a diplomat said today.
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has said the issue of contamination is one of two main outstanding questions in its two-year investigation into Iran's nuclear programme. Tehran insists the programme is peaceful, but Western countries suspect it may be a front for developing nuclear weapons.
An analysis of Pakistani components for enrichment centrifuges identical to ones Iran bought on the black market appear to back Tehran's assertion that traces of bomb-grade uranium were the result of contamination, a Western diplomat familiar with the IAEA said.
"There's still some final corroboration to go on but all the preliminary analysis does show that the particles seem to have come from Pakistan," he said, adding that the final result was unlikely to change as a result of work still outstanding.
This appeared to confirm earlier results, reported by Reuters on June 10, that also suggested Tehran did not produce the highly-enriched uranium itself.
It's reasonable to assume Aaron might perfer to allow a recorded program introduction, but, I sincerely doubt it. Somehow, Aaron doesn't 'cave' that easily. So, although he wrote his own tribute to Peter Jennings in his e-mail the program intro was recorded.Let's see if NewsNight lives upto it's bigoted attitude in supporting Police Brutality in Los Angeles and supporting Christian theory placed in the same 'category' as Evolution. 10:58 pm The 'issue' of Christian Intelligent Design was used as an inticement to pull people into a program that was never going to discuss it this program hour. True to form the Executive Producer lavished her love of death and grieving by embellishing the issue of Los Angeles Police Department Brutality with lots of images of a grieving mother. Ms. Lopez is supposed to be understood in grief but failed in her attempt to stop the bullet barrage of the LAPD even with a crucifix she held in front of them begging for mercy as her infant daughter was in the building with her father now under fire. The LAPD openly and viciously stated Mr. Lopez was a known legal issue. That is supposed the settle the arguement in the police's favor. Not with me it doesn't.Nothing is that simple. The LAPD knew this man. Hence, the criticism and not exoneration of the police needs to be addressed. Supposedly according to this accounting there is an investigation. Investigations under this administration amounts to nothing. They are exercises in futility. The fact of the matter is The Lopez family was probably well known to the police regarding domestic issues including drugs as well as the social service department. If anyone bothered to look beyond 'the moment' the police are defining their actions around there would be a significant record that easily points to intervention that should have happened long ago. As a result of the failure of 'the system' to protect children and police that no longer care to know the neighborhoods they patrol but only seek to kill with overwhelming force a nineteen month old child is dead when she should not be. THAT is something you will never hear from this program.At 10:54 pm the Religiously Bigoted "Morning Papers" segement played.
Christian Science Monitor Washington Times - convert message AGAIN is a picture of a GAS MASK
Daily News New York
Cincinnati Enquirer
Chicago Sun Times
Always building hate with intentions of attracting Evangelicals? No probably just satisfying some stupid federal rule about 'bended knee' televison. I expected Barbara Walters to lead a pray vigile for all the superfluous nonsense she spouted tonight on Larry King Live regarding Jenning's First Wife. Barbara used the downcast 'eyes of curtosy' so frequently I though she was about to don a Nun's Habit. Evidently, the 'picture' that was supposed to come out of that mess was the concept that men who have only one wife in life don't die of lung cancer. Sick. The programming of CNN always carries these weirdo agendas of immoral judgement no matter what the subject.
Why is the Barbara Walter behavior inappropriate? Because it is becoming a cultural disciminaiton people with one surviving marriage are useing to falsely inflate their egos. Just last week during another interview with Walter Cronkite (It was actually Art Linkletter. Needless to say the show didn't impress me. The average age of people on Larry King Live has gotten to be close to ancient. A little more contemporary would be interesting, too.) the 'message' that he was chosen for evangelizing against the drug culture with the death of his daughter. He noted he was not among the many married. He paused for a moment as if to realize his host was but being gracious Larry King made little of it. I find the 'discrimination' rude, unkind and socially encouraged by this news team to produce a social 'attitude,' as if they could. Divorce happens for whatever reason it does including domestic violence. If an attitude based in religious dogma exists frequently what occurs is what we witnessed within the context of this one hour program in Los Angeles. Socially we went through this mess decades ago. It's wrong to retrograde our society as if we need to revisit all the social ills this form of basically 'hatred' manifests.There were similar dysfunction with this program as with most the others. The division of time was different in that Aaron anchored more 'live' time but the same tone and same racism existed.