I have been a target of religious bigotry. This is a diary.
Friday, July 28, 2006
I could listen to Nic Robertson all night. He and Chris.
Good content. Nic did a great job. He knows his subject. He is trusted among those he dedicates his journalism skill to. He really is a unique 'entitiy' in Islam. Invisible to most 'power' leaders. But, he is very thorough and correct.
It's not time for the UN yet. They should not go far. If Bush is able to form a Peacekeeper Force there may be a real need for them to return, however, until there is a vaible peace along the borders of Israel, the IDF and the IAF has a sincere purpose to protect the citizen's of Israel. I don't see any of the Peacekeeper Force coming together. Israel needs it's missiles now blockaded in Britain.
Mr. King is working too hard 'too sell' the progress on a ceasefire. I don't really care what the public says, thinks or otherwise. They have no real solutions while Prime Minister Olmert does. The public also thought Bush would settle the issue with al Qaeda in Afghanistan, too. He didn't. He's playing the popularity game with Israel regardless of his failed Road Map that lead to this crisis.
Bush is a failure. Prime Minister is not. Bush is trying to 'come off' as a man that can handle Israel. Yeah, right. Bush is nobody.
Nasrallah is defeated. He is in Syria. The rest of his followers LITERALLY need to follow him there. Israel is the victor. From here on it's simply cleaning up the rest of the munitions and decide what to do about the mine fields. Hezbollah has 'precense' in Southern Lebanon for now but it has a low survival rate in Southern Lebanon now. It's more 'over' than anyone wants to admit.
Memos May Link Cheney to No-Bid Iraq Contract
Commentary by Willy E. Gutman
Friday July 28, 2006
I recently examined some 100 pages of documents that detail the multi-billion-dollar, no-bid contract awarded in 2003 by the U.S. Army to Kellogg, Brown and Root (KBR), a subsidiary of Halliburton Co.
Heavily redacted and often written in maddeningly abstruse government legalese, the documents were released by the Department of the Army on orders of U.S. District Court Judge Ricardo M. Urbina to Judicial Watch, the public interest watchdog that flags and prosecutes government corruption.
Several documents suggest that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers may have lied publicly about the involvement of the vice president's office in awarding the contract. It will be remembered that Vice President Dick Cheney was chairman and CEO of Halliburton from 1995-2000.
In an e-mail dated April 22, 2003, Carol Sanders of the Army Corps writes, "Mr. Robert Andersen, Chief Counsel, USACE, participated in a (CBS) 60 Minutes interview today in New York regarding the sole source award of the oil response contract to Kellogg, Brown and Root. ... Mr. Andersen ... was able to make many of the points we had planned."
Sanders subsequently provided sound bites from the interview, including, "There was no contact whatsoever (with the vice president's office)."
This directly contradicts another e-mail uncovered by Judicial Watch in 2004. The e-mail, dated March 5, 2003, sent by an official of the Army Corps whose name was redacted, stated, "We anticipate no issue (with the KBR deal) since the action has been coordinated with the V.P.'s office."
The newly released documents also prove the Department of the Army abused the Freedom of Information Act process by improperly invoking exemptions. One document, for example, includes a frank admission by an Army Corps official:
"I am copying you on this crap since I honestly believe the competitive procurement will never happen."
The Army attempted to withhold this embarrassing document even though no appropriate exemption applied. It took the intervention of a federal district judge to force the Army to release the document.
"These new documents raise questions about the involvement of the vice president's office in the controversial KBR deal. One has to wonder whether the Army was being forthright about the issue," said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.
Noting Cheney's prior (and perhaps ongoing but oblique) relationship with Halliburton, Judicial Watch filed its FOIA request to obtain documents pertaining to the lucrative no-bid contract. The vice president's associations with Halliburton "raise concerns about the appearance of a conflict of interest or favoritism," Judicial Watch argued, "particularly since the contract was awarded to KBR without a bidding process and because the contract was not announced to the public until after it was approved."
In a carefully worded letter dated May 14, 2003, Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., ranking member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, wrote to Lt. Gen. Robert B. Flowers, U.S. Army Chief of Engineers:
"Earlier this year, the Department of Defense awarded a sole-source contract to KBR ... for the reconstruction of the Iraqi oil industry. I understand that this contract was awarded as a short-term 'bridge' contract, with the expectation that a follow-up contract will be awarded later this year on the basis of full and open competition.
"I would appreciate additional information on the 'bridge' contract awarded to KBR. In particular, I would like copies of both the contract itself and each of the work orders issued under the contract to date. I understand this information is classified."
A record of a response to Levin's request could not be obtained.
Another caustic memo in which the dates and sender's and recipient's names are blanked out reads:
"Why don't you Army people understand we administer our own contracts? Your bunch mentions DCMA (Defense Contract Management Agency) administration of the contract everytime (sic) we meet/talk. Is there a hidden agenda that we should be made aware of? If not, please explain your ASAALT (Assistant Secretary of the Army Acquisition, Logistics and Technology) reluctance for us to administer our own contracts? Wasn't cradle-to-grave the latest 'fad' you all were pushing last time I read your webpage (sic)?"
This is yet another example of the arrogance and self-granted dictatorial powers wielded by the Bush administration.
Police and other law enforcement agents no longer have to knock before barging in someone's home. Radio and TV stations can now be fined absurd amounts for airing what the White House-governed FCC deems indecent language. The communications of private citizens can be intercepted and scrutinized. People dubbed "enemy combatants" can be arrested without charge, secretly relocated abroad and detained indefinitely without trial. Banking transactions involving thousands of Americans and others in the United States are being covertly mined.
With Judicial Watch's findings and revelations, we now learn that the very underpinning of American labor law - open, competitive bidding on government contracts - can be flouted and violated with shameless impunity.
Aldous Huxley and George Orwell must be smiling in their sleep.
Rob Marciano has a poor vocabulary. He hasn't learned to say , Human Induced Globally Warming is killing people all over this country in a record heat wave. Jerk ! What do you think you are hiding Mr. Cherry Marcinano? Huh? What do you think you are doing? COVERING UP the truth to benefit what remains of the Bush Lies? Coward.
So Hezbollah was a model for al Qaeda. And someone actually believes Israel gives a hoot about bin Laden? No.
Although the Hezbollah rockets don't kill they are hoping it will and they still damage infrastructure. I am impressed at the quick response of the fire squads.
Leave it to the Jewish to see the infrastructure as nothing compared to their lives. They don't even see the fires as a loss so much as a 'grace from God' in sparing lives for a misguided target. Amazing people.
I appreciate the insight about 'bin's admiration of Hezbollah, however, al Qaeda doesn't really bother Israel. Isreal has been fighting Hezbollah for decades. There isn't anything al Qaeda can do to Israel that Hezbollah hasn't already done. Al Qaeda is not backed by a nation. Hezbollah has the sympathies of Syria and primarily Iran. Hezbollah purports to be a 'party' in Lebanon while the President of Lebanon actually stands by and let's them carry on a war with Israel. What is that? How can a 'political party' wage a war against a sovereign nation while it's President looks the other way while being sympathetic to the terrorist network/party of that country? The circumstances are completely hideous, ludicrous and and every synonym thereof. ??????????????
Nic Robertson is very, very correct. Thank you, Nic. There is no relationship with al Qaeda and Hezbollah and this is nothing but a PR stunt for recruitment of al Qaeda.
When is Israel going to stop being a target? Maybe when 'The West' stops picking on them and turns on the real enemy. Terrorist networks. Israel has been 'the jazz' for Jihadists for decades now. Israel has never denied there should be a Palestine nation, yet there is hatred everywhere against them. It is the most 'askewed' reality a sovereign nation could have. The image Islam ALLOWS to exist and upholds about Israel fuels these idiot terrorists that have them held hostage. It has to stop.
I'm not getting into the Turkish aggression. The Kurds are a completely different issue from Hezbollah. They are not Hezbollah and the conflict with Turkey has a history. I don't agree with deaths of any people, but, Turkey is posturing to justify their long standing agression against the Kurds. Bush is attempting to 'steam roll' a moment against any and all area nations of the Middle East by defining 'terrorism' as it's purpose when in fact these are completely different. Turkey and the Kurds are somewhat similar in 'etiology' as Kashmir. They want their own nation for their safety. As a result there is chronic issues of violence against them although the Kurds actually have 'squatter's rights' to the region they live. Kurds have to live somewhere.
The problem with Bush seeking to 'identify' with all troubled areas of the world as if they are simply 'terrorists' it serves no purpose to actually see the circumstances for what they are. We are right back to the attempt by this administration to ride the 'coat tails' of September 11th into lumping ALL world conflicts into legitimate issues of sovereignty when in fact there are no vehicles stating that.
This is from an address tothe legislature from Clinton referring to the efforts of the USA State Department under his administration to negotiate with Kurdish groups to bring about a good outcome. However, all these efforts were abandoned when Bush took office and when he illegally invaded Iraq.
The United States, together with international and humanitarian relief organizations, continues to provide humanitarian assistance to the people of northern Iraq. Security conditions in northern Iraq remain tenuous at best, with Iranian and PKK activity adding to the ever-present threat from Baghdad. We continue to facilitate talks between the two major Kurdish groups in an effort to help them resolve their differences and increase stability in northern Iraq.
Hadley is again tyring to cloud the truth with a Neocon Agenda.
You're an egotistical jerk, Anderson. No anchor dedicates so much time to their image so much as reporting and esteeming the subjects and not themselves.
As a matter of fact the USA knows of the UN resolution about PKK and the 'type' of issues presented in this 'context of human reality.' Bush doesn't have a leg to stand on and I can't think of a better reason to get a real USA Ambassador rather than Bolton. What Bush is trying to do is USE the border incursions of every incident globally to say it is a threat by terrorists.
Firstly, Kurds must never give up the right of legitimate liberation struggle with the accessory right of the use of force, rights which always exist because they are inherent, according to UN General Assembly Resolution 2708 (XXV), 12 Oct. 1979:
In session XXV in 1970, the UN General Assembly for the first time spoke of "the inherent right of all colonised peoples... to use all the necessary means at their disposal to struggle against the colonial power which oppresses their striving for freedom and independence".Three years later, an explicit recognition of the right to wage armed struggle was passed by the UN. A series of resolutions passed by the UN General Assembly legitimized the use of force in armed struggle. The most signicant of those resolutions was passed in December 1973, despite resistance from 13 Western states. Entitled "The fundamental Principles of the Legal Status of Combatants who Struggle Against Colonial or Foreign Rule as well as Against Racist Regimes", the resolution stated:
1. The struggle of the people under colonial or foreign rule or under a racist regime to gain their rights to self-determination and independence is legitimate and in full agreement with the principles of the Rights of Peoples.
2. All attempts to suppress the struggle against colonial or foreign rule or against a racist regime are incompatible with the Charter of the United Nations, the Principles of the Rights of Peoples, the Declaration on Principles of International Law Concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation Among States in Accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, and such attempts pose a threat to international peace and security."The fact is that no Western power has ever intervened militarily to defend the Kurdish people from Turkish aggression, an aggression which goes back to the founding of the Turkish state, a fact which has been "gracefully passed over in silence or deliberately misrepresented by most historians, foreign as well as Turkish," as Dr. Martin Van Bruinessen correctly observes, therefore it would be the height of foolhardiness for the Kurdish people to lay down the weapons of their defense and rely instead solely on mere words and empty promises.
Kurds must Take Erdogan's Opportunity
...Ocalan is not the right man for the job in the Kurds' struggle for their cultural rights, Lagendijk thinks; it would be a dream to think Ocalan was capable of leading this battle for cultural rights. "Ocalan will stay in prison. Different leaders with a clear attitude against armed struggle are needed." Lagendijk said he got many reactions from the Kurds after the things he said about Ocalan and added: "I am in favor of the Kurds' cultural rights. But this cannot be realized by weapons. The PKK is making a mistake."
Larry King Live is being used as vehicle of propaganda regarding Bush's Neocon Ambitions. Larry promoted Turkey's case. He never took up the history of the conflict and is askewing the reason why this group cannot be treated the same. Bush wants to set the world on fire and watch it burn while he calls it the beginnings of Democracy.
Bush is endangering Israel's sovereign right to war under a legitimate United Nations resolution.
He's attempting to make every 'border incursion' an attack of terrorists.
The circumstances of Turkey and the Kurds are completely different as noted above. Hadley doesn't care about Israel so much as 'the spin' he and Bush can get out of it. This is grossly inappropriate use of power. I'll get to the 'faux agenda' below. I know it sounds like beating a dead horse, but, it's about Oil and there is published material by the Heritage Foundation to the trend.. Israel is not about oil. It is about a sincere purpose to defeat a very powerful terrorist network. Israel's circumstances is only unique to Israel. This 'thing' Hadley and Bush are pulling is due to the fact they are Cheney's whipping boys. See below this article.
U.S. wants to deal "aggressively" with Kurdish PKK
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President George W. Bush told Turkish Prime Minster Tayyip Erdogan that the United States wants to deal more aggressively with cross-border attacks by Kurdish rebels based in northern Iraq, the White House said on Tuesday.
"We have talked about establishing a trilateral framework between the United States, Iraq and Turkey to address this issue," national security adviser Stephen Hadley said after Bush met Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki.
"We have already identified some steps that can be taken and that the Iraqis are going to take," he told reporters.
Several thousand members of the banned Kurdistan Workers Party, or PKK, are believed to be hiding in the mountains of mainly Kurdish northern Iraq, from where they slip across the border to attack Turkish police, troops and other targets.
Many of the Neocon agendas seen in this White House can be directly linked to The Heritage Foundation. Even the Robert's nomination had conflicting interests with this group, which probably profits nicely from inheritance tax evasion.
It's the Caspian Sea, just about the richests oil reserve left in the world that isn't tired out and chronically without procurement problems. War does not affect this area either primarily because Russia has a pipeline there.
Iran's Claim Over Caspian Sea Resources Threaten Energy Securityby Dr. Ariel CohenBackgrounder #1582
September 5, 2002 Executive Summary
The need for Washington to focus its attention on energy security and diversification became clear as the war on terrorism began. The U.S. should strongly oppose Iran's threatening military actions to claim a larger portion of the energy-rich Caspian Sea. The Caspian basin, a land-locked body of salt water bordered by Iran, Azerbaijan, Russia, Kazakhstan, and Turkmenistan, harbors billions of barrels of proven oil reserves and over 200 billion barrels of potential reserves.2 (See Table 1.) The market value of that oil could exceed $5 trillion, according to some estimates. The sea also may hold up to 325 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. Combined with Russia's resources, by 2010 the region could supply up to one half of the energy resources now provided by the Middle East.
The Pipelines
Table 4. Oil Export Routes and Options in the Caspian Sea Region
The Capacity
The Caspian Sea region contains roughly 17-44 billion barrels of oil. Oil production growth from the region will come largely from Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan in the next decade
With Halliburton moving out of Iraq, it has to find new and more fertile ground for it's stockholders.
What has this got to do with Turkey and the Kurds? Are you for real?
Take a look at this map.
Now. Imagine having the control, not necessarily peaceful control either, of Turkey, all the countries between Turkey and the Caspian Sea, Iraq and Iran. Who now controls the largest oil glut in the world ?
Page 12 of Chapter 8 of Cheney's Secret Energy Committee.
Page 12 - scroll down. Not that the rest isn't interesting either.
If Turkey wants a United Nation's Resolution to act on, I suggest they pursue those avenues.
Israel's border incursions are about stopping violence by two terrorist networks supplanted in the government structures of soverign nations. It is Israel's right to defend itself.
Bush has no right to comment about Israel at all if his intent is to USE Israel's sovereign right to war as an "oil barron ball.'
I hate the son of a bitch. His filthy corruption spills over into everything right and correct about this country.
I suppose I'll get into the Kurds PLIGHT later. It has huge merit and they really weren't doing badly under the 'No Fly Zone.'
Thursday, July 27, 2006
...into the danger zone
I suppose knowing something about the enemy from the stand point of the rockets is important. They kill. Hezobollah launches them. I don't need to know anything else.
Condi Rice is not an Israeli ambassador. She doesn't speak for Israel. She can attempt to put together an agreement. Israel never has to agree.
I am not hearing anything here I value over what I already know or assesed.
Hey Anderson, I bet some terror cells are watching this to learn how to build a missle one you jerk ! Show the fires Anderson. Not the rockets. Jeeze ! This this news team think for a living? I had the same problem wtih the Aaron team in Afghanistan. I forget who it was, walking along the roadway into the mountains of Afghanistan taking all these pictureque photos of the landscape, givnig away their position the entire time. Not only their position but the soldiers as well. Knock it off. You gotta tell these guys everything.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Where's Aaron?
I am not alone in looking for leadership when emergencies erupt in the world.
The readership of Dave Inman want his qualities in journalism as well.
Aaron's style was self recriminating. It's a quality of people whom feel secure in themselves seeking to completely understand without pretense a subject. It was not unusual for him to openly invite criticism of his understanding of a subject by someone he was interviewing. He did it in order to bring out 'the truth' or the 'understanding of the truth' by the person being interviewed. It was to reach beyond 'mind speak' and 'cliches' to add depth to the subject. It didn't always leave the interviewed in a good light, but, it never diminished Aaron's dignity.
It was his openess and willingness to understand. No one can replicate Aaron Brown Style. It was him and not a persona of him we watched and listened to every night. His knowledge, commitment and experience rounded out a television anchor with unique style with or without grace, but always dignity.
It also served to limit the impact 'falsehoods' played in the public discourse. It was a "parent/child to parent" approach. That, "I got it, sorta" lead in to a question that left Aaron wide open for being 'put in his place' or 'educated.' It was brilliant. Either one appreciated Aaron Brown Style or not. He was never afraid of being a 'jerk' so we weren't. He was our 'champion' of knowledge and misconception. It is why he was so engaged with interactive methods of reaching his audience. He was the defender of the 'misunderstood' or the Wise Man in seeking 'The Truth.' If a viewer appreciated Aaron Brown Style there was nothing else like it.
If the 'ego' of the interviewed revealed him/her to be distasteful a viewer was welcome to come to that conclusion or not. Sometimes it mattered what side of the street you walked when listening to information in how it was processed/filtered as a product of that news cast. Aaron Brown never sought to control so much as deliver the opportunity for the viewer to make decisions. He was a mature anchor with a mature audience that didn't want 'fluff.' We didn't want to be 'shined on' so to speak, just to keep coming back. Like Aaron frequently said, not everyone tunes in to hear what they want to hear, so much as what there is to hear. We never felt cheated. We never felt 'steered.' We were in charge of our own opinions and they were invited. When I say I miss Aaron Brown, I sincerely miss Aaron Brown.
Where's Aaron?
Mr. Inman: I was wondering if you could find out what happened to Aaron Brown, who was a news commentator on CNN. -- A.M., Roscoe, Pa.
Dear A.M.: Brown left CNN late last year, and he now holds the John J. Rhodes Chair in Public Policy and American Institutions at Arizona State University's Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communications.
Until Rhodes shows up and wants his chair back.
Freelance writer David Inman's column appears daily. Write to him at The Courier-Journal, 525 W. Broadway, P.O. Box 740031, Louisville, KY 40201-7431; or e-mail him at http://www.courier-journal.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060724/FEATURES07/607240317/1011/SCENE. Questions of general interest will be answered; personal replies are not possible.
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Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Blogger's Night Off. Everything is upsetting but also very routine at the same time. But, remember...
It just ain't Aaron
In spite of blows suffered by army in north, it does not plan to stop in Bint Jbeil; plans already prepared for Tyre area, where 'medium rocket unit' operates against Haifa Hanan Greenberg
Some 20 to 25 terrorists were killed Monday in battles in the Bint Jbeil area, reports received from the field by the Northern Command reveal.
An officer and a soldier were killed after two tanks were severely hit in the area, but the Israel Defense Forces does not plan to stop and is already preparing plans for a ground operation in the Tyre area as well.
"It may require a different deployment of forces, but we are definitely prepared for that," a senior IDF officer told Ynet.
SLA: War price for leaving Lebanon
Former Southern Lebanese Army fighters living in Israel, who have experienced combat against Hizbullah first-hand, say it is clear what caused current crisis and when it should end: 'War is price of IDF’s six-year absence from Lebanon. Combat can only end when Nasrallah is no longer relevant' Hagai Einav
Former members of the Southern Lebanese Army residing in Israel are not surprised. From their perspective, the unfolding of events could have been foretold.
A former SLA officer, who fought alongside Israel, told Ynet: “The fighting in Lebanon will be long, but it is part of the price of a six-year absence of the Israeli army from Lebanon.”
The man, who refused to reveal his identity, partook in many battles against Hizbullah. “The combat can only end when Hassan Nasrallah is no longer relevant. Hizbullah must be disarmed and driven towards the Litani River.
To the former officer, who now lives in Nahariya and whose home is in the line of Katyusha fire, it is entirely clear what Israel must do.
“The IDF was in Lebanon for many years and knows how Hizbullah operates. We cannot repeat the mistake of the United States in Iraq in the 90s, when it surrendered to international pressure and called off the fighting before Saddam Hussein was captured or assassinated, which led to another escalation before he was toppled 14 years later,” he said.
Some 350 families from south Lebanon took refuge in Israel when the IDF withdrew from Lebanon in May 2000 and are currently scattered throughout Nahariya, Maalot, Kiryat Shmona and Tiberias in the north.
Most of the adults opened private businesses, and their children were absorbed into the public school system. They too, like the rest of Israel’s citizens, are experiencing the war in the north.
Diaspora solidarity missions say 'Israel is safe'By HILARY LEILA KRIEGER
American Jews seem to be more united in their backing for Israel than at any time since the Six Day War, according to Jewish leader Malcolm Hoenlein.
Hoenlein, executive vice chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, was speaking at a press conference in Jerusalem Sunday at the start of a three-day solidarity tour. But even as he and other Jewish groups come on solidarity missions, donate funds and rally in support of Israel, North American Jews are cancelling plans to visit Israel.
"You always have people who postpone trips because of a [violent] situation. It's not just true in Israel. It's true anywhere where a conflict situation arises. It's understandable, but it's containable and I hope that we can reverse the current trend," he said. "The goal of solidarity missions [is to] get others to follow and understand that it's safe to come to Israel."
He has brought 50 people, including conference chairman Harold Tanner, along with him on one of several missions of international Jewish leadership coming to bolster Israel while it's under attack from Hizbullah.
US Conservative rabbis visit IsraelBy MATTHEW WAGNER
A group of lay leaders and rabbis from the Conservative movement in the US arrived Monday on a solidarity mission, made poignant by the movement's connection with three IDF victims of the violence in Gaza and Lebanon.
Cpl. Gilad Shalit, the soldier kidnapped by Hamas near Gaza on June 25, and two soldiers killed in action on July 12, Sgt.-Maj. Eyal Benin from Omer and St.-Sgt. Yaniv Bar-On of Modi'in, all had ties with the Masorti (Conservative) Movement in Israel.
The high representation of soldiers with ties to the Conservative Movement "shows the extent to which the movement has made serious inroads in Israeli society. It's unfortunate that this is the way we discover how much impact we are having," said Rabbi Neil Zuckerman of Temple Israel Center in White Plains, New York, who is leading the group.
The delegation - from New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, California, Connecticut, Illinois and Michigan - will visit the Bar-On family in Modi'in on Wednesday. Asher and Carlene Bar-On, Yaniv's parents, are among the founders of the Masorti Shalhevet-Hamaccabim congregation, said David Ginsberg, a fellow congregant and friend.
THIS movement continues there will not be enough room in Israel for all it's children.
Iran: Israel doomed to 'destruction'By ASSOCIATED PRESSTEHERAN
Talkbacks for this article: 200
Iran's president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, declared Sunday that Israel had "pushed the button of its own destruction" by launching its military campaign against the Iranian-backed Hizbullah in Lebanon.
Ahmadinejad didn't elaborate, but suggested Islamic nations and others could somehow isolate Israel and its main backers led by the United States. On Saturday, the chairman of Iran's armed forced joint chiefs, Maj.-Gen. Sayyed Hassan Firuzabadi, said Iran would never join the current Middle East fighting.
JPost.com special: news, opinion, blogs and more
Ahmadinejad's latest salvo against Israel came as the 12-day-old hostilities in Lebanon continued. The hard-line president drew international condemnation last year after publicly calling for Israel to be wiped out and calling the Holocaust a "myth."
Iran helped create the anti-Israel Hizbullah movement in the early 1980s and is among its main supplier of arms and funds. But Teheran has denied Israeli claims it is sent Hizbullah long-range missiles that have reached Haifa and other points in northern Israel since the battles broke out nearly two weeks ago following a cross-border Hizbullah raid that captured two Israeli soldiers.
"Britain and the United States are accomplices of the Zionist regime in its crimes in Lebanon and Palestine," said Ahmadinejad.
Iranian Cowardess - "Bind the time until ... "
Iran backs cease-fire, prisoner swapBy ASSOCIATED PRESS
Iran said Monday that a cease-fire and a prisoner exchange would be possible in Hizbullah's conflict with Israel, while the United Nations signaled readiness to send peacekeeping troops to the region.
Iran's Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki said a cease-fire and an exchange of prisoners would be possible.
"We believe that we should think of an acceptable and fair [deal] to resolve this," he said after talks with Syrian Vice President Farouk al-Sharaa in Damascus. "In fact, there can be a cease-fire followed by a prisoner swap."
Iran and Syria are the principal sponsors of Hizbullah, and the two countries have applauded Hizbullah's capture of two Israeli soldiers, which triggered the Israeli offensive in Lebanon that has killed nearly 200 Lebanese and wounded more than 400.
The Israelis continued to publicly insist their goal was to dismantle Hizbullah.
Blame the terrorists, not Israel
By Alan M. Dershowitz July 24, 2006
THE HEZBOLLAH and Hamas provocations against Israel once again demonstrate how terrorists can exploit human rights and the media in their attacks on democracies. By hiding behind their own civilians, the Islamic radicals issue a challenge to democracies: Either violate your own morality by coming after us and inevitably killing some innocent civilians, or maintain your morality and leave us with a free hand to target your innocent civilians. This challenge presents democracies such as Israel with a lose-lose option and terrorists with a win-win option.
There is one variable that could change this dynamic and present democracies with a viable option that could make terrorism less attractive as a tactic: The international community, the anti-Israel segment of the media, and human rights organizations should stop falling for this gambit and acknowledge that they are being used to promote the terrorist agenda. Whenever a democracy is presented with the lose-lose option and chooses to defend its citizens by going after the terrorists who are hiding among civilians, this trio of predictable condemners can be counted on by the terrorists to accuse the democracy of ``overreaction," ``disproportionality," and ``violations of human rights." In doing so, they play into the hands of the terrorists and cause more terrorism and more civilian casualties on both sides.
If instead this trio could, for once, be counted on to blame the terrorists for the civilian deaths on both sides, this tactic would no longer be a win-win situation for the terrorists.
It should be obvious by now that Hezbollah and Hamas actually want the Israeli military to kill as many Lebanese and Palestinian civilians as possible. That is why they store their rockets underneath the beds of civilians. That is why they launch their missiles from crowded civilian neighborhoods and hide among civilians. They are seeking to induce Israel to defend its civilians by going after them among their civilian ``shields." They know that every civilian they induce Israel to kill hurts Israel in the media and the international and human rights communities. They regard these human shields as ``Shahids," or martyrs, even if they did not volunteer for the lethal jobs. Under the law, criminals who use human shields are responsible for the deaths of their shields, even if the bullets that kill them come from policemen's guns.
Israel has every self-interest in minimizing civilian casualties, whereas the terrorists have every self-interest in maximizing them -- on both sides. Israel should not be condemned for doing what every democracy would and should do: taking every reasonable military step to stop the killing of their own civilians. Now that some of those who are launching rockets at Israeli cities have announced that they have new surprises in store for Israel that may include chemical and biological weapons, the stakes are even higher. What would Israeli critics regard as ``proportioned" to a chemical or biological attack? What would they say if Israel tried to preempt such an attack and, in the process, killed some civilians? Must a democracy absorb a first strike from a weapon of mass destruction before it fights back?
Sunday, July 23, 2006
The Amazing Israelis
Thank you, Chris. What never stops amazing me is how 'correct' the Israel Defense Forces are. They made strikes 'first' against supply lines. That is not usually the first plan of attack UNLESS the enemy and it's habits are well known. I hate the killing, no matter the dead, but, I applaud the right of Israel to defend itself and it's vast knowledge of the enemy and the 'application' of that knowledge to defeat the forces while seeking potent oppression.
Regardless, any perspective that is reported in the media, Israel has sought 'a plan' with immediate deployment to defend the nation. It is impressive while containment is working against Hezbollah. The only munitions being used are those that were stockpiled in southern Lebanon. No flights in. No flights out. Unless they are military rescue missions by the USA. No movement into the area without ally clout while escape routes guarantee limits on the ability of Hezbollah to spread it's war to places like Cyprus.
Hezbollah is trapped. Their definition is now better known by the world than ever before. Israel has complete moral authority in every venue of containment and advance. The nations of Arabia are mostly thwarted in their advocacy for a citizenry confused to their loyality and identity.
Hezbollah is defeatable more than ever and damn the PR, the safety of the world and Earth are at stake.
From what is being reported, the Former Prime Minister Sharon is suffering from heart and renal failure causing system breakdown and 'anasarca.' I am assuming he is receiving 'the best' of vigilance and care. It is not unusal for people caught in extensive coma while on a ventilator to have adverse severe system failures after six months of non-recovery. His care should be once more given a review by doctors familiar with him from the early days of his condition. He should be given every chance to fight for his life, even as his nation fights for theirs.
Hezbollah will come to an end. Israel will see to it. No more fear of terrorists, no more wars between sovereign nations. A sustainable peace with containment of hate. No more war on a planet that holds life as it's purpose. It's time it happened.
"There is a lot of explosions today."
Israel strikes TV, phone towersFrom correspondents in Beirut
July 22, 2006
THE Israeli military hit transmission towers for television stations and mobile telephone networks in at least two locations in Lebanon Saturday, police said.
The strikes targeted transmission towers for the leading LBCI satellite television and a number of private radios in Fatqa, in the Kesrwan mountains northeast of Beirut.
Television footage showed a cloud of thick black smoke billowing into the sky from the towers which were engulfed in flames. A truck was also seen burning.
Transmission towers for televisions, including Hezbollah's Al-Manar and the privately run New TV, as well as mobile telephone networks were also destroyed in Terbol in northern Lebanon, police added.
There may be bombings but a very interesting follow up is a plane dropping anti-burn agents. Interesting.
Israel is securing it's borders. Something the Lebanese could never do OR ever tried.
Hezbollah have dense populous along the entire Lebanese shoreline. Ever wonder why? Why would a terrorist organization find it advantageous to control the shoreline of Lebanon?
Does Syria have a shoreline?
What is more tenacious a moving water surface fleet or terrain units.
What if Iran had missiles that needed deployment against opposition navy in the Mediterranian? Does Iran have a shoreline?
Yeah, let's hear from Spiderman.
Let's see if he can guess what the brilliant commnaders and generals from Israel have in mind.
Hezbollah is scattered throughout the entire nation of Lebanon.
Spiderman Marks states :
They attaced to the north about 1.4 miles from the border. The city under attack is 'key terrain.' Hm. The River. Got ya. 12 mile reach of Hezbollah missiles.
Don't you that seems a little simplistic Spiderman?
Hezbollah is a very smart force. They melt into the landscape like classic guerillas. Hm. Sorta like your belief in Osama melting into the land of Afghanistan. Hm. I am beginning to understand why all the US invasions failed in Afghanistan and Iraq. Marks lead the Iraqi offensive for a while and then it turned in to the Iraq defensive.
I think Israel has plans to succeed and not fail. What do you think Spiderman?
And the IDF actually sent one of their billiant military guys to speak to us. Very nice.
Blah, blah, blah. Everyone's got their complaints. Take 'em someplace else.
Let's see Andy put a lot of oil commercials on afterI turned the television off. They did it to create that'feel good feeling' for their Arab investors that are dependant on oil sales to sustain societies that demand the oppression of Israel over the rise of terrorist networks.
(7/19/2006) BP shuts in 12 Alaska North Slope wells said leaking
(7/14/2006) XTO rig worker falls to death from Fort Worth rig
(7/9/2006) Fatal platform fire on ATP-ExxonMobil US Gulf facility
You know I'll tell you something. This segment about mental health and military invasions doesn't really hold water wtih me. Many religions, not just Islamic religions view the mentally ill as 'souless.'
Ludicous. I wish I could count the number of Schizophrenics I'verun across AFTER military service. They have interesting art work with intricate use of Jesus and God. The Schizophrenic relationship with God beliefs of one kind or another is well know.
Can Muslim mental health professionals and academics provide a culturally, and religiously, relevant approach to mental illness? Can Islam as a tradition develop a distinct position on human behavior, psyche, and mental health which can accommodate different cultures in different periods? These are questions that must be addressed by researchers in the field who are familiar with the principles of Islamic law, theology, and philosophy and are actively participating in research on mental health. There are only a few contemporary works that attempt to reconcile current theories of behavior and psychopathology with Muslim cultures. The Journal of Muslim Mental Health will serve as a vehicle for critical engagements with the academic discourse, integrating different modes of research and analysis, exploring the culturally constructed dimension of mental illness and exploring the spectrum of Muslim perspectives on mental health.
I just can't wait to see the outcome of Paula Zahn's "Armageddon. Ohhhhhhh......Noooooooo......The End of the World !!!!!!!!
Hurry, where is the thorazine !
The news secretary
Oh, the Andy Show in stills.
The bloggers from Lebanon sound like Newark during the riots. Oh, shit. Oh, The mother fuckers are going to kill us.
Maybe, huh?
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Promoting Lebanon
There won't be any diplomacy, yet alone a ceasefire, if the President of Lebanon doesn't even recognize the UN Resolution of Hezbollah. He should jumping for joy for the help. The guy is a jerk.
I have no sympathy for any nation leaders if they can't discern the difference between citizens and terrorists. What the Lebanonese president literally has said it that he defies the UN Resolution in the removal of terrorist networks from his country. He's a foolish man.
I am astounded by the blantant disregard for a UN Resolution. In doing so the President of Lebanon is harboring terrorists. I doubt seriously the Late Prime Minister Hariri would concur, but, I guess that is why he is dead.
They are recording a data base of journalists for kidnappings and more.
The News Secretary
This is getting boring. The Israel government told the Lebanese in very humanitarian wasy to move back from the borders. 25 miles from their borders.
Perhaps the Lebanese President needs to leave his palace and help find effective measures to provide for his people. Israel cannot do it for him. All this dysfunction of the Lebanese infrastructure is thefault of the Lebanese leadership. There is no other way of putting it. None of this would be happening if he was actively seeking measures to rid Lebanon of Hezbollah. This is all the doing of the Lebanonese president. Perhaps he needs to realize the terrorists he allowed to flourish in Southern Lebanon were killing and bombing Israel, rather than pointing out where the Israeli bombs are dropping. Those would not be dropping and blighting his view from the palace IF he had done the right thing two years ago. A man that should be wishing the country to be cleared of the very element that has undermined his infrastructure, infiltrated his country's government and murdered a Prime Minister is 'complaining' about the view from his palace. The only analogy that comes to mind is 'Amela Marcos.'
I don't think I need to hear or see anymore. I have no sympathy for the lack of function of the Lebanon government. The Palace probably has very adaptable quaters for a safe hospital.
Thanks for the interview, Nic.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Dignity. It's not slaughter. Israel demands respect and dignity for it's citizens.
Beirut - Anderson is in Beirut? I see.
Anderson this automated bullshit has got to go. It's 'glizzy' and 'Hollyweed' and depersonalizing.
Aaron would never do this to his viewership. There were always 'real people' wtih 'real faces' with 'real messages' to introduce a program 'designed' for people to relate to, finding themselves in the program and the journalists. This garbage they put at the top of the program is completely alienating.
I do believe Israel is having success. I congratulate them. I have complete faith in their insight and their skill. We all hope the greatest of safety for all people, but, the militia and it's missiles have to go.
I don't want to hear anything about Isreal's propriety in war unless it is a blatant disregard for the Geneva Conventions. One cannot say Israel has a right to defend itself and then tie their hands to do it. Israel was attacked. The leaders of that nation have an obligation to it's citizens. Israel has completely lived upto all international agreements to date. It is Hezbollah that has made it impossible for Lebanon to assert it's sovereignty. The people of Southern Lebanon have to leave. Until the MUNITIONS are destroyed OR removed it is completely UNSAFE for human life. There are mines all over Sheba Farms. That is not remotely acceptable. All of Lebanon is to belong to Lebanon and not just the land north of Beirut where there is no reach by Hezbollah of Israel. Hezbollah has 'stationed itself' strategically to destroy Israel. That strategy based in Anti-Semitism must end. Anti-Semitism by UN and World Court Degree is a blight on this Earth. It's time to stop it completely including the civilized demeanor of all diplomates and nation leaders globally.
The conflict started on June 26, 2006. What does it take for the media to get it right? The first three soldiers are nothing? Really?
The logistics of the circumstances are unfortunate but people are 'getting though.' The scenes are very sad. Admittedly there is a humanitarian crisis coming. The people trapped in shelters that have proven to be safe are going to run out of essential services. At this early point of the conflict it would serve Israel well to call a 'ceasefire' enough to evacuate people currently trapped in safe havens. Those locations by the way need to be identified by Israel as locations where people have currently taken shelter.
The other aspect to evacuating these people is to remove their potential to become human shields. None of them should be allowed to stay.
Israel has a right to safe borders. It would have been nice to allow diplomacy to work over time but the Middle East is completely anarchic right now and Israel cannot be assured it's existance especailly when PRESIDENTS such as the one in Iran is making Anti-Semitism a political priority. That is simply intolerable. Iran needs every bit the attention of the UN and the Security Council review. The leadership is purporting Anti-Semitism is a reasonable government priority.
It's a difficult situation. I know Mr. Annan wants the violence to stop but he also has to trust the leadership of Israel to provide evacuation routes while they seek to destroy the munition laden lands of Lebanon. Lebanon has already stated these muntions are not theirs. Right? . I am sorry, because, the aggressions under Bush and Cheney has spawned this inflammatory response in Arabia. It isn't fair to Israel to hold them responsible for this 'exacerbation' of trouble. Israel is in the middle of it and Israel needs relief from it.
Hezbollah has to relinquish all control of all lands of Lebanon. Otherwise, Israel has every right under UN sanctions to proceed, granted after evacuation routes are provided. Hezbollah is to have no 'land grants' by the Lebanese government ever again. Hezbollah is a terrorist network. It is not a religion. It has to be completely disbanned. The same goes for Hamas with a return of sovereign power to Mr. Abbas and men like Mr. Dahlan.
I find these images gruelling.
I think I've made my views known through interruptive phone calls from a family member in crisis tonight.
Why say the same thing over and over again?
Other than that, some of the finest voices in the defense of Israel speaks today with clarity and purpose. That is the Israeli leadership. They have never been so poignant or correct. I don't have to add anything here.
Give it a rest. If I feel the circumstances are being dominated inappropriately by a president of the USA that finds his purpose fulfilled in over reaching into Israel's business then I'll say so. Currently, Bush, Rice and the Congress and House are figure heads with their priorities backwards; reaching for political gain rather than centered on finding a peace for the Middle East that will last.
I congratulate Israel. The time has come to stop the madness.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
There is no second "Ground Zero"
The implications there ever could be is nothing more than an insult and manipulation to political spin. (Click on)
What a bunch of jerks at CNN. To actually think they consider a place where a memorial is being built while purpose is being returned can actually be tossed around as a political game.
That was a darn shame. Matthew Chance had to play historian because Andy can't put the reason for this conflict into a context that 'fits the spin.' This news team is way behind the curve. The 'reason' for this defensive war by Israel is due to decades of violence by Hezbollah.
Dear God, Nic. "The Fearless One" - Bringing the anger of Hezbollah to the consciousness of the West. Beirut is looking like it did over a decade ago. Hezbollah claims it's infrastructure is sound. It can't possibly be completely intact. It will survive for long past Isreali domination of the area. It is going to be upto the Lebanese people to continue to demand peace and containment and disarmament of Hezbollah.
The Israeli forces have every right under any international law to continue to conduct it's aggressive stance against terrorists that have plagued it's people for most of it's existance. Chris Amanpour presents the Israeli struggle well. It is a struggle but it is succeeding otherwise there would never be fleeing citizens and strained leadership of all Middle East countries. The 'fronts' of this 'two site' conflict are many and reach far beyond the borders of the battles. This 'focus' now by Prime Minister Olmert has opened a long needed confrontation of terrorist networks in the Middle East and the government infrastructure that sanctions them, either through cooperation or coersion.
The conflict started June 26th.
I don't see the diplomatic focus as The Bush White House does. I do see the USA being supportive of Israel, but, not to the focus of expanding the war into Syria and Iran. Doing so is an aggression Israel's Olmert cannot sustain wtihout provocation. I don't believe that provocation will come. The UN resolution is about emptying Lebanon of Syrian influence. Oddly enough that coexists with Israeli border security. Bush is correct to limit peacekeeping to 'AFTER' the conflict has settled to a tolerable leve. However, it is completely incorrect to 'push' the limits of this conflict to Syria and Iran without international recognition as a focus of necessity to defeat Hezbollah.
The Israeli Defense Minister is quite correct and very well spoken to the expected conflict and it's outcome.; Israel has finally found it's power within The Middle East to bring about a disarmament of the terrorist networks that thrive there. It is their obligation to it's sovereignty and the safety of it's citizens to continue the aggression that was inflicted upon them as a nation by Hamas and Hezbollah.
My congratualtions to this new Israeli Authority under Prime Minister Olmert to sustain the pain of hatred and reverse the consequences of it's own existence in a land that has to accept one of Abraham's decendants.
Israel will succed. Other countries in the area will seek eliminating their terrorist infrastructure to prevent any expansion of the conflict. It is my feeling the diplomacy will succeed under the leadership of Prime Minister Olmert and his tenacious determination for nothing less than peace.
The beautiful aspect of the Israeli conflict is the high morality to it. Israel will succeed among the nations of the region to lead it out of the middle ages of the 'al Qaeda's shadow' and the long standing terrorist networks so long as peace based in moral recognition of each other and appreciation of their differences surmounts any and all actions of peace agreements yet to be realized.
The Israeli leadership has a focus based in morality and not greed. It is happening for the right reasons and it is that purpose the world will come to respect and uphold. The 'ripple' effect of the defeat of Middle East terrorist networks cannot be understated.
I sincerely believe my 'input' to the dynamics of first understanding the imputus of this war and then to come to terms with it's moral correctness has few more words than already said.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Images don't match the story
There is no ground zero in Cyprus, Anderson. Cyprus is your safe haven. If you want to give Cyprus 'star' status why not discuss the real issues of Cyprus.
Q&A: Cyprus conflict
The United Nations is heading attempts to bring peace to the divided island of Cyprus - but it is proving tricky to unravel decades of conflict and stalemate over the island's status. BBC News Online looks at the key issues.
What is the current state of the peace process?
Hopes of peace were raised dramatically at the start of 2002, when then President Glafcos Clerides agreed to dine with Turkish Cypriot leader Rauf Denktash in the Turkish-occupied north. It was the first time since partition that such a journey had been made.
IF YOU WANT TO FEEL SAFE IN CYPRUS, Andy, take it up with Turkey.
Nic, is right. The less people in the area the more likely only soldiers will be 'affectively' killed. Civilians need to leave the area. I don't believe there will be a ceasefire soon either. For Israel this is not a 'flash in the pan' conflict. It is the beginning of an 'end' to the terrorist networks that plague it's borders and people. This isn't a matter of 'Muslim' right or wrong. This is a matter of 'correctness' and saavy in knowing where the limits of war starts and stops. Israel is doing well, actually. Everyone expected the USA to have to step in to effectively disengage the terrorist networks from their patronizing governments. I guess not. This is a tragic 'truth' to the end of a Palestinian nation if the Palestinians don't see their own best interest in ending this unconditionally. I doubt sincerely the borders of Israel will shrink further again.
For as sorry circumstances are, Chris is at her best. How completely through can she be?
Has Iran ever been so eclectic ?
Iran, U.S. Allied in Protecting Artifacts
Priceless Tablets Sought as Settlement In Lawsuit Over 1997 Hamas Bombing
By Peter SlevinWashington Post Staff WriterTuesday, July 18, 2006; Page A03
CHICAGO -- Iran and the United States make an unlikely pair these days, dueling over nuclear plans and radical Islam. Yet lawyers for the feuding governments are on the same side here in a dispute over thousands of ancient Persian artifacts held by a Chicago museum.
So much for the Anti-Semitic tough guy. Like I said, Israel is doing well for itself. It's called respect !
Madeline Albright is quite right. She is mostly correct all the time. Good to see her. Reassuring to hear from her.
So. Do you think a further war is good for oil prices? No? It all depends whom side you sit. If you are an oil man, the war could really be great news.
FOCUS: Further Oil Price Rises Hinge On Iran
LONDON (Dow Jones)--Rising tensions in the Middle East are adding volatility to an already tight global oil market, analysts said Monday, but major supply disruptions remain unlikely barring a dramatic move by the region's second-biggest oil producer, Iran.
As conflict escalated over the weekend between Israel and the Shiite militant group Hezbollah in Lebanon, oil prices rose above $78 a barrel, with some analysts predicting they would hit the $80 mark by the end of the week.
Austin-area copes with heat
06:00 PM CDT on Monday, July 17, 2006
VERNON BRYANT / DMN A dock at Lake Lavon in North Texas no longer reaches water.
Thermometers in Austin were expected to reach the century mark Monday, and it doesn't look like there will be any relief for the next several days.
KVUE Storm Team meteorologist George Kanuck said Monday's high was expected to reach 100 degrees Monday. The 7-day forecast shows some relief starting Thursday, when the high is only expected to reach 98 degrees.
"My suggestion if you're going to head outside today... don't. It's going to be really hot today," Kanuck said. "It's not only the temperature that we're worried about... it's the heat index as well."
The heat index, which is a measure of how the temperature plus the humidity feels on your skin, was expected to reach between 104 degrees and 109 degrees.
KVUE Online Video
KVUE's Clara Tuma reports
The temperature record in Austin is 105 degrees, but Kanuck said he does not believe temperatures will get that high.
The Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) said Monday afternoon that it reached a new all-time peak demand record, but they did not have a problem meeting demand.
Iran blamed as Lebanon battle broadens By Harry De Quetteville in Tiberias
(Filed: 16/07/2006)
Iran was thrust to the forefront of widening conflict in the Middle East last night when Israel and America blamed it for supplying the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah with sophisticated weapons to fight a proxy war against the Jewish state.
Israeli intelligence claimed that 100 Iranian Revolutionary Guards were in Lebanon helping Hezbollah, and that their weapons would enable Hezbollah to strike with devastating force at Israel's armed forces and civilian population as far south as the capital, Tel Aviv.
Saudi Arabia and it's allies of peace makers. Very nice. Iran needs to be careful. If for one minute it thinks it has friends in the Middle East when it seeks nothing but 'rhetorical' hatred of Israel; it may find being Shi'ite a very lonely place to be. Iran has been interestingly silent these days. That could cut both ways. Silence is golden OR the silence before the storm.
The strongest place for this newscast is live and telling the story by the foreign correspondents. However, Andy is 'the star,' not the war, not the disaster and certainly not the input of Christiana Amanpour or Nic Roberts. This is not a news broadcast, it is a news production. More 'jazz' than reality. The 'taped' segements that dominate this broadcast allows for 'control' of the content rather than it's discovery.
The truth is buried as deep as the rubble that covers South Lebanon.
I want to hear from Nic and Chris not Andy and John. I don't want the fluff. I don't want 'the cartoon' rockets. I don't want Andy's face all over the screen from Cyprus. I want an experienced journalist that knows the territory unafraid of showing the truth and devastation BUT one that knows how to stay alive. I thought there was a glimmer of that when Nic went with escort to the place where Hamas headquarters was destroyed. It may have gotten far to dangerous for that, but, Nic nor Chris have stated same.
Sorry, Andy, Aaron would have had a far more extensive and less produced program.
Saturday, July 15, 2006
June 12, 2006. This was a cartoon that appeared in the Arab News nearly a month ago. The instability in the region was being felt even then.
![Posted by Picasa](http://photos1.blogger.com/pbp.gif)
Hezbollah has declared war. There is no unilateral cease fire. Out of the question.
"The Mouth" - the entire introduction made no sense.
The drone came from Iran.
Iranian drone plane buzzes U.S. aircraft carrier in Persian Gulf
30/ 05/ 2006
TEHRAN, May 30 (RIA Novosti) - A pilotless Iranian reconnaissance plane circled for 25 minutes over a U.S. aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf before returning safely to its base, a senior Iranian official said Tuesday."Our pilotless reconnaissance plane flew over the USS Ronald Reagan in the Persian Gulf unnoticed to the Americans for 25 minutes," the official said, according to Iran's Fars agency.He did not say when the flight took place, but added that U.S. radars picked up the unmanned aerial vehicle after 25 minutes, and that four USAF fighters and two helicopters were scrambled to intercept it. However, the Iranian plane had already crossed the border back into Iran and landed at its base. "This points to holes in the U.S. military reconnaissance systems deployed in the Persian Gulf," the Iranian official said.
It's a known fact Iran supplies Hezbollah. The question is are Iranian soldiers involved in the aggression against Israel.
The border towns are going to empty out. The escalation is nearly guaranteed if sovereign nations such as Iran takes up sides. Hezbollah is a terrorist network. If a sovereign nation is going to endorse terrorists then they are opening themselves to consequences.
The Energy Alternatives are found without spin at :
The Environmental Defense Fund
ACTION TO RETURN 'EARTH' TO HEALTH IS NEEDED NOW. Not years from now. New leadership is desperately needed in the USA.
Thank you, Ben.
There is no difference between Hezbollah or Hamas or any other terrorist networks in the Middle East except the leadership wants to be known autonomously. They rely on each other a great deal to support their positions.
The oil fires in Lebanon needs to be extinguished. Those gases are poisonous to the area where the smoke travels. It's not right it is allowed to burn. Israel needs to secure these areas before they move any further into the Hezbollah infrastructure.
If the Middle East is to believe Israel is only concerned with terrorist organizations then they need to be heroes to some extent to the innocent citizens who are still struggling to understand this conflict. To them, members of Hezbollah are neighbors, friends and family in some cases. To discern that they are also terrorists and not liberators is a stretch unless Isael actually are the liberators. Israel is working within the framework of the UN that calls for the complete autonomy of Lebanon. The people of Lebanon while honoring their sovereignty have to realize Israel is not the enemy. Making Lebanese citizens safer will help that. As a matter of fact the more trustworthy the IDF appears to the citizens of Lebanon the more likely they will be to ally with them.
Just a thought.
Manana Kochiadze
Georgian environmental activist, who works as the Caucasus coordinator for the monitoring organization, CEE Bankwatch. In 2004, she won the Goldman Prize -- known as the environmental equivalent of the Nobel award -- for her grassroots campaigning against the pipeline.
![Posted by Picasa](http://photos1.blogger.com/pbp.gif)
PRAGUE, July 12, 2006 (RFE/RL) -- Since its inception, environmentalists have rallied against the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyan (BTC) pipeline, which pumps Caspian oil to the Turkish Mediterranean. They say there is a serious risk of oil leaks and spills, as the pipeline passes through a region with a history of seismic activity and landslides. Manana Kochladze is a Georgian environmental activist, who works as the Caucasus coordinator for the monitoring organization, CEE Bankwatch. In 2004, she won the Goldman Prize -- known as the environmental equivalent of the Nobel award -- for her grassroots campaigning against the pipeline. RFE/RL correspondent Luke Allnutt spoke to her about her work.
RFE/RL: What are you main concerns, environmental or otherwise, about the BTC pipeline?
Manana Kochladze: First of all, the concern is the routing of the pipeline, which goes through a number of sensitive areas, including the Borjomi region in Georgia. And any type of oil spill in those sensitive areas could cause huge environmental results, like pollution of the drinking water, pollution of the rivers, and pollution of the mineral water in the Borjomi region. And due to the fact that the pipeline construction was not implemented according to the best international standards, the risks for the corrosion of the pipeline is very high.
RFE/RL: But BP [which heads the consortium that owns the pipeline] has assured that state-of-the-art technology has been used and that the pipeline is safe.
Kochladze: According to the experts, with the technology that the BTC is using, which has never been used in the petroleum industry before, the corrosion of the pipes would happen seven or eight years after the pipeline is in operation. So it's increasing the environmental risks for the region.
RFE/RL: How much do you think that BP has listened to environmental concerns? For instance, they've held meetings with NGOs about their worries. Do you think they've done enough?
Kochladze: The main problem was that during those meetings, there was no dialogue. It was a BP monologue [about] how they are doing the best pipeline project in the region. And the very serious concerns of the environmental groups, including the WWF International, and the regional offices has never been taken into account. First of all, all the routing [of the pipeline] was done without any public consultation. So all the environmental-impact assessments were done afterwards. [Then the assessments] were like the approval of why they chose this route [instead] of a real environmental-impact assessment where you can have a number of alternatives and afterwards you can choose the most suitable and environmentally friendly pipeline....
Pipeline construction in the Borjomi Valley We always underlined that Azerbaijani [oil is not enough] to feed the BTC pipeline. We asked them [BP] to show where the oil would come from and we had serious concerns about the fact that the oil would come from Kazakhstan from the newly discovered fields like Kashaganor the existing Tenghiz [field]. And in June of this year our fears have been proved by the signing of an agreement between Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan. In this case, the Caspian Sea would be under the same environmental threat just like the Bosphorus [Straits].So what the BTC pipeline is doing now is taking the problem from the Bosphorus and adding it to the Caspian Sea. So in this case BP's argument that the pipeline is environmentally friendly because it will reduce the [shipping] traffic in the Bosphorus does not work anymore because they are shifting all the problems to another sea. And the Caspian Sea is a very vulnerable environmental ecosystem. It's a closed sea, it's very much polluted, all the oil extraction is there, and if tanker traffic accidents were to be added to this it would really be the death of the Caspian Sea.
RFE/RL: How have local communities been affected along the pipeline route?
Kochladze: The situation in the local communities is quite harsh. At least in Georgia, we've had 300 demonstrations, direct actions, and blockages from the side of the local people and they've tried to prevent the BTC construction on their territories. In the Borjomi region, there are still a lot of people who are complaining about land compensation [not] being done properly. They determined the problem of the drinking water already because the construction damaged the spring waters they used for drinking....
Another problem is that the people claim, in a lot of the villages including in the Borjomi region and also in Azerbaijan, that traffic vibrations have destroyed their houses. But the BTC [consortium] is refusing [to accept] that the traffic vibrations have done this with these houses. You can not prove that harm has been done by BP...so now people are in a very bad situation right now. They don't know to whom to apply to solve their problems like this.
RFE/RL: Now that the pipeline is constructed and oil is flowing through, what mechanisms do environmental activists have to monitor the BTC pipeline?
Kochladze: If there would be any leakages from the pipeline we would support the local communities or the affected people to get compensation and we will try to ensure that the environment [affected] will be rehabilitated and restored. The problem here is that according to the host country government agreement, which is the legal regime for the BTC pipeline, the local communities, or affected peoples, they are not party to the agreements. So if something would happen with the BTC pipeline it would be really very difficult for them [local people] to get compensation or [repair] the environment. So I think that this is our main challenge right now.